groovy bot offline

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You can use "all" to select all permissions.

Groovy is the easiest way to play music in your server. Groovy is a simple to use music bot that supports Spotify, YouTube, Soundcloud and more! Disconnects the bot from your voice channel and clears the queue. Something doesn't work Getting Started with Groovy Learn more about Groovy Groovy Support. No setup required. Toggles the announcing of "Now playing" messages Displays info about the specified track in the queue. Searches for your query and displays the returned lyrics. After setting a new prefix, the bot will only respond to the new prefix. Here you can find documentation on all of Groovy's commands and features. Saves the queue under the specified name. Aliases: shuff, shuf, randomize, randomise Creates a link that anyone can use to queue your saved queue. Searches for your query on YouTube and lets you choose which songs to queue. Moves the specified song to the specified position. Sets the playing track's position to the specified position. Supports Spotify, YouTube, Soundcloud and more!

Add to Discord Commands Premium Support Login Hey! It only takes one command to get music playing. Groovy Support. Check the sidebar to see if Groovy is online. Displays lyrics for the playing track. The best music bot for Discord. To queue a track of the results, just type it's number. Sets the player's pitch. Removes the specified track from the queue. If you input "reset", it will set the volume back to default. Other. Inclusive. Rewinds the player by your specified amount. Search. Lists all of your personal saved queues. The default amount is 10 seconds. Groovy is the easiest way to play music in your server.

Are you using the correct prefix? Displays the currently set permissions of the specified role or user. Groovy will always be there to play music for you. Modifies the permissions of a role or user. Sets the player's playback speed.

Booting someone offline is basically a form of DoS/DDoSing.

Makes the bot join your voice channel.


If Groovy appears as offline, then something has probably gone horribly wrong.

Displays info about the playing track.

Plays the file attached to the message. The best music bot for Discord. Is Groovy online? What they do is they send so much information to your IP, it shuts itself off, causing you to 'lag out' of PSN, Xbox Live or WiFi Network. If you input "reset", it will set the volume back to default. The best music bot for Discord.

Hey! Do you like cookies? Groovy is a Discord Music Bot that may not be working for you; perhaps Groovy went offline!

Fast forwards the player by your specified amount. Changes your server's prefix. Displays the bot's prefix in the server. Categories. [deny/allow/clear] [role or user], [permission] If you type @Groovy prefix and the bot responds, then your server's admins have set a server prefix.

It only takes one command to get music playing. Removes all the tracks from the specified start to the specified end. We do, so we implemented some in our website! Sets the player's volume.

If you input "reset", it will set the pitch back to default. We do, so we implemented some in our website!

Loads the specified saved queue into the queue. Loads your input and adds it to the queue. You must use this prefix instead of the default one.

Add to Discord Stable Groovy will always be there to play music for you. We ensure that there is always enough capacity for every server to get the highest quality possible.

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