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 Bonnefantenstraat 2 If the minor is from another undergraduate degree, the regulations of that programme will apply. Find out more about one of the most international universities in Europe, experience our unique approach... Find out more about what it's like to live and study in Maastricht, including: In the support section, you can find out more about practical matters and UM regulations, such as: Visit Maastricht University regulations to find the EER of your study programme, Chat with us (Mon-Fri from 8.30 to 17.00 CET) The programme covers international developments both in the European Union and in a wider, global context. Health Sciences is a broad bachelor’s programme that focusses on the relation between health and other factors such as behaviour, nutrition, the environment, social surroundings, biology, digital techology and healthcare. filter, Apply   As well as large-scale lectures (in English), you will attend more intimate tutorials where you will explore issues in depth with your fellow students. After you’ve completed a master's in this field, you can become a clinician, a researcher, a study advisor, or a manager. Three levels of analysis are explored beginning with individual processes (e.g., attitudes, attribution), then interpersonal processes (e.g., attraction, communication, love) and finally social influence processes (e.g., conformity, norms, roles, reference groups). You'll also use an MRI scanner to measure brain activity as a source for our behaviour. Twitter Instagram You can choose from more than 150 different courses in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Sciences. In the skillslab, you’ll also practice medical skills, such as how to give a patient bad news. After completing a master’s in Medicine, you can call yourself a medical doctor and then you can specialise, for example, as a surgeon or pediatrician. Faculty of Law filter, Apply   Why we remember entire songs, but cannot remember where we left our keys? Liberal Arts & Sciences You will be trained to become a critical thinker who can understand, analyse and explain complex problems at the European level from various disciplinary perspectives. In the bachelor’s programme in Psychology, you'll learn about the mental processes of humans, including memory, language, thinking and perception. filter, Apply   If you have questions about the programme and/or about (student) life in Maastricht, don't hesitate to get in touch with Emily through her Instagram page; she's happy to help you with your study choice, as previous student ambassadors helped her with hers. The Netherlands  The Bachelor of Science (Psychology) is nationally accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council, as a three-year undergraduate course in psychology, and has conditional registration with the Psychologists' Board of Queensland. Arts and Culture is an interdisciplinary programme that studies Western culture in a broad sense. +31 43 388 2222, Follow us on Social Media The skills you develop will prepare you to work in a variety of fields, such as healthcare, IT, engineering and research. Bachelor of Science. Afterwards you can pursue a career path that allows you to contribute to solving important social challenges. Psychology : The course offers students an overview of the major topics in social psychology. The Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) may also be used as a pathway to the Bachelor of Psychology for students who do not meet the initial entry requirements for the Bachelor of Psychology, as the ATAR (or equivalent) for entry is lower. Arts & Culture Studying psychology provides students with the knowledge and skills to understand and explain human behaviour and relationships. You can earn both a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science in Psychology and a Bachelor of Community Rehabilitation in just five years through our combined degree program. filter, Apply   You’ll also gain a thorough command of legal English. Psychology at the UvA offers you a choice of many different Bachelor’s specialisations. filter, Apply   The career paths you could pursue vary widely, ranging from policy making or project management to communications or consultation. You’ll also develop the professional skills to put business ideas into practice, such as teamwork, conflict resolution, leadership and presentation skills. But you could also end up working for the Department of Health, or the Deparment of Environmental Affairs. LinkedIn Science & Technology In the Economics and Business Economics programme, you’ll learn how to use economic theories and tools to manage and operate businesses more effectively. The Netherlands, UM visiting address Minderbroedersberg 4-6 Focusing on interactions between science, art, media and politics, students will address contemporary societal challenges with historical and philosophical understanding.

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